What Others Are Saying
About Our Products, Service and Quality

Shidoshi Luis Bernal, 10th Degree BlackBelt
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“The Black Belt Study Course has been an amazing stepping stone for my progression in this wonderful art of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu/ Ninjutsu. Just look at my results! Thanks Shihan Van Donk.”
Shihan Dan Ordoins, 15th Degree BlackBelt
Sacramento, CA USA www.BujinkanLife.com
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“Thank you for your Black Belt Course! I have been utilizing it for years both as a student and as a teacher. It is clear and it makes it easy for me to teach my students and they all love it!”
Shihan Pierre Benoit, 9th Degree BlackBelt
Pierrefonds, Quebec, CANADA
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“The Black Belt Course demystifies Ninjutsu / Budo Taijutsu. It has been an invaluable resource and has enabled me to realize my goals of black belt and beyond.”
Shidoshi Charles Benham, 12th Degree BlackBelt
Denver, CO USA
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“I am truly grateful for all the advice and encouragement I have received from Shihan Richard Van Donk throughout my training and I would recommend beginners to advanced students to seek out his advise in improving your skills.”
Shidoshi Alfred Reid, 9th Degree BlackBelt
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“The BlackBelt Home Study Coursewas my entry point into the world of the Bujinkan and Ninjutsu. It was then and remains today a well thought out curriculum that pieces together what may seem an incomprehensible labyrinth but is in fact an easy to follow path.”
Shidoshi James Clum, 10th Degree BlackBelt
Azusa, CA USA
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“Black Belt Home Study Course is a great opportunity to get close contact with true Ninjutsu teachings, its friend’s network and the big moment to know a great Master that teaches wisdom of life through the way of the Ninja. Thank You Master Van Donk.”
Shidoshi Ricardo Zapata,
5th Degree BlackBelt Colombia
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“When I found the Ninjutsu BlackBelt Home Study Course, I instantly knew it was what I was looking for, and what I was missing in my life. Studying this course has given me a sense of adventure, it has led me to make life-long relationships with people that are truly inspiring and most of all it has taught all it has taught me to look after myself, how to defend my family and those I love. Starting this course will bring you down a path of life that you never knew was possible!!”
Shidoshi Jamie Daiken, 7th Degree BlackBelt
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“Thank you for offering the black belt home study course as it has changed my life significantly. This journey has redirected me in nothing but a positive way and has been extremely rewarding. I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking for a better quality of life while being a warrior.”
Shidoshi-ho Tommy Hance, 2nd Degree BlackBelt, Maryland USA
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The BlackBelt Course is a great way to learn this mysterious, graceful and very effective/powerful versatile martial art. Never boring! You make a lot of friends for life as well! “Is still LIFE CHANGINGafter all these years of training! Me and my wife train together and it brought us even closer to one another. I strongly recommend this course. Thank you Richard!
Shidoshi-ho Konsta Beck,
4th Degree BlackBelt Finland
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“I felt very lost on my path in life and Shihan Van Donk has helped set me on the right course. I feel very blessed to be studying under him. Everyone should be this lucky!!!”
Shidoshi-ho Brian Lee Sumpter,
8th Degree BlackBelt, Shinnston WV, USA
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“The Ninjutsu black belt home study course is a fantastic course that allowed me and my friends to train in Ninjutsu at our own pace. Thank You.“
Ron Elges, 5th Degree BlackBelt
Nevada, USA
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“The Ninjutsu BlackBelt course is (a priceless) an incredible resource of knowledge. It is an intelligently arranged, concise and learnable progression, step by step, to a Japan certified BlackBelt. Ninjutsu keeps my priorities in check and a step ahead of what’s next. Thank You.”
Ben Newman – 7th Kyu Student
Fairfax, West Virginia, USA
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“Shihan Van Donk’s Ninjutsu BlackBelt Course is a life changing system that has worked for me for over fifteen years and has given me the confidence and courage to the life I dreamed.”
Shidoshi Jerry Wideman, 9th Degree BlackBelt
Pelham, AL USA
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“It gave me a progressive system as well as a visual way of learning this art.”
“Thank You for the prompt Service you provide, it is incredible! Your black belt Home Study Course is excellent!“
—D. Lovejoy, AZ
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“I would like to extend my thanks to you at ABD for your interest in my training and mailing out my order so quickly. I really appreciate the superb and prompt service“.
—John Davis, CA
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“Just a note to commend the quality and value of your tapes and materials, we are enjoying them immensely“.
—J.R. Morrisson, MN
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“Thank you for making such an excellent video … Combat Ninjutsu… I studied with the Gracie’s and you guys have some moves they don’t. I can’t wait to order some more tapes!“
—Robert Sodara, NY
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“Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! The American Bujinkan Dojo has transformed my life dreams from wishful dreaming to absolute reality. Thank You“.
—Mike Frazier, IL
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“ Thank you for the prompt and professional service. It is very satisfying to have finally found a martial way which emphasizes mental & Spiritual development as well as the physical. You have found in me, a student for life!“
—Timothy Park ,OH
About Master Van Donk

—Soke Hatsumi, Japan
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“I feel blessed to have positioned myself in the same universe with such geniuses as you“.
—Ray De Packney CA
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“Richard, You are my teacher, my mirror, you are courage, purpose and honor. You are a warrior with heart“.
—Namaste, Sarah, CA
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“I wish to honor the House of the Divine Warrior you have. You have my deep respect. Thanks for the fast service“.
—Rev. Mearl
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“The whole program was outstanding!!!“
—Buzz West, CA
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“My friend just visited you recently and enthusiastically reported his private lesson with you as ‘Standing too close to the Sun’……. Living the Spiritual Path is the most comprehensive guide for Kundalini I have ever experienced. Thanks for sharing it“
—P.R. Hughes ON Canada
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“The American Bujinkan and the members has really changed my life. I thank you all for that“.
—B. Terry, Alabama
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“Ninjutsu has changed my life in so many fantastic ways. I am truly grateful“.
—Duncan Macdonald, CA
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About Home Study Videos
“Your system of Ninjutsu is the most amazing system I have ever come across, I wish I would have come across it sooner. A 17 year old tried to spar with me and I’m 40 with Parkinson’s. I only have your 9th kyu beginners tape and I put him on the mat till he said enough. This proved to me that your system really works!“
—Randy Blattel CA
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“I think your Blackbelt Home Study Course is GREAT! Your tapes showed me exactly what I needed… Real ninjutsu, in detail, without all the Ninja Hype. Many thanks.“
—C. Cordi, CA
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“The tapes are great and I am enjoying them very much. Thank you for the prompt delivery!“
—Barry Graham, Canada
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“Your video for 3rd kyu is great, it is very good help for me to train at home. In the future I will order other videos“.
—M. Behmer Germany
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“You have a very easy-to-learn and entertaining way of teaching that has helped me learn more on your videotapes than what I’ve learned from years of private instruction. A very satisfied customer“.
—David Suggs, AL
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“Your 7th kyu tape is excellent“.
—Steve Peters, VA
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“I am grateful for the feedback that you gave me after I took my 7th kyu test. It was really insightful. It really did inspire me to know that I am progressing at the rate that I should be“.
—Mark A. , USA
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“The tape content is outstanding. I was so happy to see that the way the material is delivered is beyond just merely an extension of physical but a focus on how a martial art is applied to a life experience“.
—Mark Paskowitz, CA
About Camps / Retreats / Japan Trips

—Reino Tanttila, PA
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“My words cannot describe the experience, feeling and growth this has given me. I am grateful for your generosity & abundant love“.
—Tim Fitch, MT
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“The seminar was fantastic and Mr. Van Donk was an excellent teacher. Thanks Again“.
—Robert Lamoureux, TN
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“You have changed my life completely in so many ways …….. I purchased and watched your movies then I started to learn what martial arts are truly about. It showed me that spiritual and mental aspects are more powerful than any technique“.
—Tommy Theriault, MD
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“Thanks for the great trip to Japan. Going with you made the trip ten times better than had I gone alone. Thanks for sharing your secret places and literally going out of your way to make this trip the best it could be“.
—Dan Ordoins, C